Welcome to Critical Review technology information website.

This websitee will introduce the top 3 laptops and desktop for Gaming, Programming/ Designing and Students usage.

The function of different hardwares will also be introduced.

Computers and Hardwares



A Laptop computer, sometimes called a notebook computer by manufacturers, is a battery- or AC-powered personal computer generally smaller than a briefcase that can easily be transported and conveniently used in temporary spaces such as on airplanes, in libraries, temporary offices, and at meetings.



A Desktop stays in the office or home and needs the computer terminal to be connected to an external monitor, keyboard, and mouse; whereas the Laptop has the built-in components and thus easily transported as one complete device that can be used in most environments.



Hardware refers to the computer's tangible components or delivery systems that store and run the written instructions provided by the software.

Disclaimer: This website is created for education and non-commercial use

only. It is an assignment for completion of unit, FST10011 Web and Cloud

Technologies for Foundation Studies (IT/Multimedia) course from Swinburne

University of Technology Sarawak Campus.